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University for Peace MA in International Law and Human Rights
University for Peace

MA in International Law and Human Rights

Ciudad Colón, Κόστα Ρίκα

11 Months

Αγγλικά, Ισπανικά

Πλήρης απασχόληση

Προθεσμία υποβολής αιτήσεων

Ζητήστε την πρωιμότερη ημερομηνία έναρξης

USD 19.500 / per year *

Ανάμεικτο, Στην Πανεπιστημιούπολη

* αυτή η τιμή ισχύει μόνο για το MA στα Αγγλικά. Τα τέλη ενδέχεται να καταβάλλονται μέσω ηλεκτρονικής πληρωμής με πιστωτική κάρτα ή διεθνών τραπεζικών εμβασμάτων στην τοποθεσία της τράπεζάς μας στην Κόστα Ρίκα μόνο σε USD. Οι κάρτες American Express και Dis


The Master of Arts Degree in International Law and Human Rights Degree offers students an in-depth review of the procedures and practice of international human rights bodies, at the global and UN level as well as at the regional level. Students will gain an understanding of the various judicial and non-judicial bodies that are at the frontline of questions of interpretation, the development of international human rights standards, and enforcement. In addition, students receive training in hands-on skills in the realm of reporting, monitoring, and evaluation of human rights. Finally, as the globalization of business and investment is increasing in force and speed, with important human rights implications, this specialization explores the interaction between economics and rights, asking critical questions about this process and potential solutions.

Student Body

The University for Peace is characterized by its diversity and multiculturalism. For 2018-2019, we have 174 students from 55 countries (166 women vs. 58 men). As a result, our campus is always full of student activities, most of them organized by the students themselves. In past years, we have had yoga classes, conversation classes in different languages, the celebration of cultural nights (Asian night, Latin night, European night, etc.), as well as institutional activities open to students (Zumba classes, academic "brown bag" lunches, etc.).


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